Healthcare Talent Marketplace
Say goodbye to healthcare workforce challenges. Say hello to happy staff and better patient outcomes
Trusted by 138 hospitals and aged care facilities - more joining every week
Fill Shifts On-Demand
The Clever Way For Healthcare Talent And Healthcare Organisations To Connect
Inspired by Amazon for its marketplace, Uber for its convenience, and Hinge for the informed decision making it enables. We call it uPaged, because in healthcare, you page a specialist when you need them
Healthcare Practitioners
Nurses, doctors and allied healthcare practitioners: make smarter choices, and showcase your unique skills, experience and preferences in an online profile for a perfect match to work
get invited to shifts and term contracts
earn higher rates of pay
choose when and where you work in places where the people, perks and values align with your needs
earn ratings and testimonials that will take you from on-demand to in-demand
shifts since inception
uPaged nurses
healthcare facilities
Healthcare facilities: supply, cost, quality and compliance sorted
For hospital, aged care facility, research, telehealth, and GP clinic staffing needs
Source from the widest possible talent pool of fully-vetted, compliant healthcare workers, matched to your needs, and available now. Know exactly who your contingent workforce are
Conservative margins and dynamic pay rates, mean higher fill rates with a greater selection of skilled applicants, for a lower overall cost
Healthcare Recruitment Agencies
Source compliant, matched nurses, doctors, allied health professionals. Enjoy better matches and faster job fills, while honouring your preferred provider agreements and hospital relationships
Vendor-neutral nursing workforce platform. Increase your agency earnings, reduce your administrative burden, eliminate compliance risks
Seen in and supported by
Healthcare workers want flexible work options that value them; healthcare organisations want to meet budgets; and everyone wants great patient outcomes.
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