Is there anything she can’t do??? This week, meet the incredible Carly: English-born and bred, mature-age student who did dual RN/RM honours, and is now a happy and childfree travelling midwife, podcaster, sessional marker, and sometime actor who seems to us to be exactly the kind of nurse we all want to work with and be like.
So Carly, tell us … why did you choose nursing as a career?
I grew up in England and growing up nursing was not on my radar, my mum was a nurse and to be honest, it never appealed to me as a job
Did you always want to be a nurse?
I loved acting and studied acting at university. After a gap year traveling, I found myself living in Australia. I got a few acting jobs here and there but nothing to live off full-time, so I earned money by doing plenty of soul-sucking temp jobs.
By the time I hit 30, I knew there had to be more to life, so I thought about what I liked.
I loved travel – and nursing was a profession that was worldwide. But I still wasn’t sold on general nursing. I also like babies – so I though ‘maybe I could be a nursery nurse’ … that was what I was googling – I didn’t even know the proper name for a baby nurse. And so, with the help of google, I discovered midwifery, which sounded far more appealing than nursing, so I thought ‘let’s give it a go!’
At the ripe age of 34, I set about applying to study full-time. My previous degree was over 10 years old and all my friends were reaching high points in their careers and here I was about to start it all again with a 4 year full-time course. So many doubts played on my mind… Was I smart enough? Was I going to be the weird old mature age student? How could we afford it? What if I hated it? 4 years is a long time…but I knew that 4 years would pass regardless, and if I didn’t do the course, where would I be? The thought of remaining in my soul-destroying office job was enough to make me take a chance.
When and where did you do nursing training?
What was the best thing about your training?
It’s hard to nominate one single best thing, but I got so much out of this course – my whole life changed. I made new friend., I learnt that I was actually quite smart and now I have a whole new skill set. But I also now have a job that feels worthwhile, and while I may not be changing the world, sometimes I make a difference to one person’s world for that hour or day or week.
What was the worst thing about it?
The worst thing about studying – the long placements where you’re working full-time hours with no pay, and then having to go to work for money so you can survive and then trying to find time to also study and write essays. Working with nurses/midwives who didn’t like working with students and were happy to let you know that you were quite the annoyance for them for also pretty awful.
What specialty did you start your career in?
I went straight into midwifery in my grad year. I was able to rotate across all areas of mid-antenatal, postnatal, birthing, and neonates. With one short rotation on a nursing ward – I won’t lie I hated the nursing rotation and cried every day I worked there. So once grad year was over, I stayed solidly in midwifery. After a few years, I then moved to SCN as core staff but still picked up extras in birthing and the postnatal ward.
I even got some use for my RN by becoming a nurse immuniser and doing vaccinations and getting some work back in my former field as an onset nurse.
Did that change? If so, why? Was the change for the best?
After 5 years in the same hospital, I quit to travel Australia and become a travel midwife, which is what I do now.
What is a common myth about your job or field of expertise?
A lot of people don’t always understand the scope of practice a midwife can work under; pregnant women can go their whole pregnancy only seeing a midwife if everything is straightforward. That a doctor doesn’t need to be in the birth room. And that all midwives want lots of babies – I’m happily childfree!!!!
Which has been your best nursing job ever, and why?
What do you love about being a nurse?
What is your proudest nursing moment?
What do you like least about your nursing job?
What gives you the ‘ick’? What is your biggest nursing pet peeve?
The shared ward stethoscopes…haha 🤣 …have you seen them…??? 🤮 No one ever cleans them, they’re gross!!!!
But really… I hate the mean nurses that embody the nurses ‘eat their young’ adage …..I feel pretty lucky that I’ve only come across a few in my time.
So many funny stories….from the dad passing out at the birth of the baby…totally unconcious…so we had to call a code blue on him…he was fine. The incredible is when you see parents who have been doing IVF for 20 years and they finally have a live baby – those moments are so heartwarming.
Scary is the theatre nurse calling you to say they’ve started the c-section and you’re not even in the theatre and you rush to the OT and find a flat baby and there are no paeds in the room and it takes them 3 minutes to get there – longest 3 minutes of my life…but your training kicks in and you do what you were taught.
If you could be remembered for one thing, what would it be?
What’s an “insult” you’ve received that you’re proud of?
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
What is your advice for nurses considering a career pathway like yours? What is your top tip for someone wanting to do the same?
In your opinion, what is the most important personality trait/strength someone would need to work in your industry/be successful in your job?
Empathy and patience – we deal with so many different types of people who have their own ideas about what is best for them and their baby – even if we don’t agree. Our job is to ensure they are educated about their decisions and to support them.
Remaining calm under pressure and quick thinking are also good traits to have.
What’s one thing about your job/field of expertise that almost no one agrees with you about?
What is something about you that your nursing colleagues don’t know?
What is your side hustle / other job / passion outside of nursing / life like outside of nursing …?
What’s the biggest challenge you face in your nursing job?
What’s the best nursing advice you have ever been given?
How do you de-stress from the juggle of everything you do?
If you could change one thing in nursing, what would it be?
The pay – students should get some sort of payment or subsidy for all the placement hours to make the degree more sustainable.
Qualified nurses and midwives should get paid more.
Finish this sentence: If I could start over again, I would …
Quick 3 with Carly:
Keep up with Carly here
Want more? Check out the Behind the Scrubs archive
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